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Fragile Structure
©Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
8m x 2.4m
Eth Hönggerberg, HIG, Parking area
February 2012
For temporary use
Lukas Piskorec, Volker Helm, Selen Ercan
Beat Lüdi, David Jenny, Michi Keller, Petrus Aejmelaeus Lindström
The aim of this project was to adapt the precision and speed of the robot to the complexity of real building conditions and to combine this with cognitive characteristics of the user. Here, the parking garage of the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich proved as a suitable place where the character of a research laboratory could effectively be linked with that of a real construction site. As a consequence a complex wooden structure could be assembled with a mobile robot unit. The scale and modularity of the structure were directly derived from the surrounding spatial conditions. In fact, the geometrically differentiated assembly is based on the inherent stability of the overall structure, which consists of more than a thousand individually positioned wood members and is assembled without additional fasteners. From this, it is derived not only specific design and structural aspects, but also it is made possible a new form of articulation in digital fabrication processes in architecture.

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